Numerous folks think that it intense to attempt and teach their preschool kids about basic mathematics, which could be very befuddling for adolescent kids. You may require some imaginative teaching apparatuses or intelligent methodologies to successfully help kids in adding or subtracting numbers. One of the most ideal approach to do this is to get some early math more
Vedic Mathematics is an ancient science that was developed based on the knowledge enclosed in the Vedas, Hindu ancient texts of assembled knowledge dating 5,000 years ago. How Vedic mathematics get the popularity in the world? What is the need of it? Why we always need mathematics every where? What is the starting point of the tail? Let’s have a Look on it.
read moreThe abacus is an antique tool used all over the world for calculation and computation. It has been largely replaced by calculators, but Abacus is fun to use. Here we will learn how to add and subtract by the old-fashion way.
Make yourself comfortable with the more
Abacus is a very useful way to teach numbers and arithmetic mental maths to kids. There are many ways to teach numbers, some of them can be fun and some can be boring for young kids. In that case, abacus is an outstanding tool to teach counting to your kid. Abacus consists of beads that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks within a frame. Here we talk more
You may be an on- job trainer, teach in schools or you may have given lots of presentations in college auditorium or perhaps you work for a company that provides Abacus training to teachers. When you deal with teachers, the responsibility gets double because they already have a teaching experience in their respective fields. Below are some tips which you need to more
Abacus is a technique used by Chinese, Japanese and Koreans to enhance arithmetical skills. This program has now made a way into our nation. The enhancement in arithmetical abilities is said to be due to a synchronized performance of both right and left brain. As learning and memory in any area is achieved by managing and analyzing the different sensory inputs, more
The Sanskrit word Veda means to know without limit. The same is applicable in the field of knowledge and education. The more you know, the less you feel you know about any particular subject or thing. The Veda is a storage area of all knowledge, incredible as it is dug deeper. The same was done by Swami Bharti Krishna Tirth, former Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Puri more