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If yes then Brain Master Arithmetic System can help you. We offer exclusive courses for making the mathematic calculations more fun.
What is Abacus?
In the ancient times, Abacus was used for calculating numbers by using the simple arithmetic system. The best tool was made by Japan, which is used worldwide till date. Abacus helps in developing the human mind for doing the calculations and word problems easily and efficiently.
We all know how brain is the most interesting part of our body. It is the control centre, which takes all the important decisions. It is divided into two parts; the left part is responsible for logical thinking and the right part has the control of artistic and three-dimensional senses. We can work very efficiently if both the parts work together with equal co-ordination.
How Brain Master Arithmetic System Helps?
Researchers have found that Abacus helps in activating the right brain effectively. This helps in getting the general mathematical solutions very easily. Abacus is a very simple tool which allows you to do calculations mentally. Brain Master Arithmetic System offers the best course with the concepts of quality training and better understanding. Abacus also offers different games for children, which makes the learning more fun and interesting.
Vedic Math concept is also used with small kids for making them learn the mathematical numbers easily. It is an old technique used for doing calculations. Vedic math develops the child’s brain and makes it active with time. Brain Master Arithmetic System helps in building a strong arithmetical base by using innovative calculating methods.
The course offered by Brain Master Arithmetic System is very economical. Even for the franchises, online training facilities are provided. Presently, more than 61 franchises are operating successfully in 18 states. High standard and quality training is given to every member of the faculty for overcoming the doubts of the students.
More than 5500 students are enrolled with Brain Master Arithmetic System. It helps your children in their academic field. They play with numbers by just manipulating them. It makes the mathematic operations like addition, division, multiplication and subtraction very easy. Decimals, exponents and square roots also become simple to calculate with abacus.
Abacus Training
We often get to hear lots of myths and confusion regarding abacus training for kids. Parents are always worried to know about the right age to introduce their kid to abacus. As we know that the abacus is a very popular tool for brain development because it put gradually pressure on the mind. The best feeling in the world is when your kid learns the counting on its own.
Normally Abacus training consists of 8 levels to 12 levels depend on the courses run by the institutes. Each level of abacus course is of 3 months or 12 to 15 classes per level in that case total time duration for the complete abacus training course will be 2 to 2 ½ years. It is a interesting way of learning and you can get you kid trained only one to two days in a week which will not hamper the interest of the student as well as he can do his regular curriculum activities.
The abacus training for kids is the best for the age group 4 to 14 years. As it is scientifically proved that in this age group maximum percentage of the brain development takes place hence this age group is the best time to introduce the training to enhance the child's brain functions.
Using the Abacus helps the children in maths by the visualization instead of simple routine learning. It is as simple as how to use the Abacus to teach mathematics. There will be a situation where you will be in dilemma whether your child will like the Abacus; you can let them try the Abacus first. This exercise will help you to know the interest level of your kid and you will be able to understand the right time of Abacus Training.
What is Abacus?
In the ancient times, Abacus was used for calculating numbers by using the simple arithmetic system. The best tool was made by Japan, which is used worldwide till date. Abacus helps in developing the human mind for doing the calculations and word problems easily and efficiently.
We all know how brain is the most interesting part of our body. It is the control centre, which takes all the important decisions. It is divided into two parts; the left part is responsible for logical thinking and the right part has the control of artistic and three-dimensional senses. We can work very efficiently if both the parts work together with equal co-ordination.
How Brain Master Arithmetic System Helps?
Researchers have found that Abacus helps in activating the right brain effectively. This helps in getting the general mathematical solutions very easily. Abacus is a very simple tool which allows you to do calculations mentally. Brain Master Arithmetic System offers the best course with the concepts of quality training and better understanding. Abacus also offers different games for children, which makes the learning more fun and interesting.
Vedic Math concept is also used with small kids for making them learn the mathematical numbers easily. It is an old technique used for doing calculations. Vedic math develops the child’s brain and makes it active with time. Brain Master Arithmetic System helps in building a strong arithmetical base by using innovative calculating methods.
The course offered by Brain Master Arithmetic System is very economical. Even for the franchises, online training facilities are provided. Presently, more than 61 franchises are operating successfully in 18 states. High standard and quality training is given to every member of the faculty for overcoming the doubts of the students.
More than 5500 students are enrolled with Brain Master Arithmetic System. It helps your children in their academic field. They play with numbers by just manipulating them. It makes the mathematic operations like addition, division, multiplication and subtraction very easy. Decimals, exponents and square roots also become simple to calculate with abacus.
Abacus Training
We often get to hear lots of myths and confusion regarding abacus training for kids. Parents are always worried to know about the right age to introduce their kid to abacus. As we know that the abacus is a very popular tool for brain development because it put gradually pressure on the mind. The best feeling in the world is when your kid learns the counting on its own.
Normally Abacus training consists of 8 levels to 12 levels depend on the courses run by the institutes. Each level of abacus course is of 3 months or 12 to 15 classes per level in that case total time duration for the complete abacus training course will be 2 to 2 ½ years. It is a interesting way of learning and you can get you kid trained only one to two days in a week which will not hamper the interest of the student as well as he can do his regular curriculum activities.
The abacus training for kids is the best for the age group 4 to 14 years. As it is scientifically proved that in this age group maximum percentage of the brain development takes place hence this age group is the best time to introduce the training to enhance the child's brain functions.
Using the Abacus helps the children in maths by the visualization instead of simple routine learning. It is as simple as how to use the Abacus to teach mathematics. There will be a situation where you will be in dilemma whether your child will like the Abacus; you can let them try the Abacus first. This exercise will help you to know the interest level of your kid and you will be able to understand the right time of Abacus Training.