Concept of Abacus Education
Abacus education has been around since historic times, though initially just a flat surface with sand spread across it, the abacus has now evolved to a helpful and efficient tool which helps children develop their mental skills. Abacus training is a must for young children, as it helps them visualize problems and improves their concentration.
Making children use their fingers as they count numbers or manipulate the beads to get to their result, accompanied by the visualization in their brain makes abacus education helps young children develop immensely. Also since both hands are used, both the left and the right brain of the child is developed, thereby not only developing his or her logic and reasoning but also creativity and thought.Abacus training can be started right from when your child starts kindergarten till the age of 4, though there is no prescribed age to begin abacus training.
The entire abacus education process has four sub processes and employs rote counting and the concepts of “one more than” and “one less than”. These four sub processes can be easily mastered and is much readily accepted by children that age than conventional mathematic techniques.
Abacus training also helps children with visual impairments immensely. Allowing them to use numbers in a more physical manner, than plain visual techniques, abacus education benefits all children. Understanding number systems has never been easier all due to abacus training, which also makes mathematics a less daunting subject. Letting children add, subtract, multiply and even divide, at any base system and even using decimals, starting abacus education for your child is a win-win decision. Allowing children to truly reach their potential, while increasing their confidence levels, abacus education ensures that your child is equipped with all the right skills to face today’s world.